Property details page can be accessed through 'Property Details' tab in CERSAI. This is the only page where you will find 'Locality' as a mandatory field. It is been asked in other tabs also. But those are not mandatory. The Locality field in Property Details is made mandatory considering the importance of identification of property.
But I have a disagreement regarding other fields. Why it does not make the boundaries important. It is more crucial thing than locality to identify and locate the property. With the help of locality you can go near the property, but with boundaries you can surely be inside of the property. So please make boundaries an important area.
I still not find the importance of Latitude and Longitude in the tab.

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  1. The importance of latitude and longitude in the tab was envisaged for future developmental usage viz linking the electronic data to imaging softwares e.g. google maps. where in one user can not only check the data credentials but can also see that the physical building also does exist at the given spot. This was envisaged in one of the common workshop meeting my eminent bankers from large PSU Banks. Regards,CV


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